Fast track from concept, to prototype, to deployment
One of the many benefits of a Java-based IoT design or Industrial IoT (IIoT) design is the availability of off-the-shelf 3rd party packages. CEE-J virtual machines are market proven with a variety of pre-validated capabilities and integrations. Looking for something specific? Contact us. Our experienced engineering team is available to help.
Make our experience your advantage
CEE-J powers designs in TV, Home Automation, Business & Industrial Solutions, Fleet Management, Healthcare and more with implementation support from our team of expert embedded software engineers.
Application Frameworks — Implementing an app-store style experience? Interested in future proofing an IoT design? We can help. We can also help you add the ability to dynamically update an edge device with new application or device support with ease using application frameworks, and more. Our team will work with you to customize a solution to fit your needs and plans. With the pre-validated and market-proven framework options we offer you can achieve the mix of performance, memory and functional requirements you need. Our application framework support includes our own Secure Plug-in Architecture (SPA) and a number of OSGi frameworks including Knoplerfish/Knoplerfish Pro, Prosyst/Bosch mBS Smart Home and Karaf.
Web Servers – Many of today’s smart gateway designs require a web interface for communicating with artificial intelligence (AI) engines in the cloud or edge devices. Skelmir’s CEE-J VM already supports a number of web servers to meet your requirements such as Jetty, Netty, and Apache Tomcat.
Javascript Engines – When your requirements call for a scripting engine over a programmable language, get support for the most basic to the most advanced applications with CEE-J— including Rhino, Nashorn, and others.
Rules Engines – Rules engines, such as DROOLS are used in many of today’s advanced IoT designs providing the construct for how a system behaves based on state, condition, and other custom parameters. If it is written in Java, the CEE-J platform will host it.
Analytics Engines – The vast amount of data collection, including the cost of transmitting it to the cloud, data security concerns, and latency of response are all drivers for moving some intelligence from the cloud to the edge. CEE-J supports robust analytics engines (Greenwave’s Predixion, IBM Apache Edgent and others); it makes moving intelligence to the gateway both possible and practical.

If the design is Java driven, Skelmir is the independent developer who can help.
Tap into our team, speak with us about your plans.